Be the girl who raises her hand instead of lowering her standards. Think hard. Listen well. Learn constantly. Be the smart girl. Even nerdy sometimes.
Girls Should Raise Their Hands Instead Of Lowering Their Standards
Calling all middle school girls: This is for you. Yeah, your mom or an exceptionally cool aunt might see this first and forward it to you, but the following words are meant for your ears only. As you head back to school, accomplished women everywhere, beg you: Raise. Your. Hand.

Meet the STEAM Squad
So...we know you're smart. Yep, secret's out.
That makes us think you like meeting other smart girls too! Introducing our BFFs...the STEAM SQUAD! This awesome group represents some of the top Science, Tech, Engineering, Art & Math teenage girls in the world. Their mission? To uplift & support each other while spreading their love of all things STEAM everywhere. You can read their astounding individual profiles...and then catch our in-depth INTERVIEW with some of the STEAM Squad! We can't wait to see what's next for this accomplished group...we promise to keep you posted!
Meeeeet Être Role Model & BFF
Morgan DiCarlo
A licensed civil engineering in training with a master's degree in Biological Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech! Morgan founded an engineering outreach program which has graduated more than 100 girls to date and was recognized by Clinton Global University as a STEM initiative! Morgan was selected as one of America's top ten new faces of civil engineering - and wait, it gets better - then her scientific work was honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Disney Imagineering Innovation contest! Her research focuses on securing water accessibility in the face of the changing climate... and she wants to mentor YOU! Check out her TEDxSBU Talk, and email us if you'd like to be connected to Morgan. Trust us...you would.
And Speaking of STEM
check out If/Then - dedicated to advancing women in science, tech, engineering and math by empowering current innovators and inspiring the next generation of pioneers. Girls…they mean you. Check out their report about female STEM characters in TV and movies, and then don't miss their YouTube series with our friends at Goldieblox - called #FastForwardGirls!
How GoldieBlox is Making STEM Mentorship So. Much. Cooler.

Pssst! Looking to get ahead while at home?
Our new study buddies at Khan Academy have you covered! This awesome nonprofit is committed to providing a FREE, world-class education to anyone. Anywhere. Forever. We're talking math by grade level, learning to code or PSAT/SAT practice.
Ok when did you
When did you know you were smart? When did you first figure out that you were intuitive & curious…that you wanted answers to your thousands of questions? And when did you first sense that not everyone thought it was cool to be smart? These are questions we’ve asked some very accomplished women…their answers speak for themselves:
#BeSmart Enough To KNow What You Want
“I knew I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon when I realized in high school that I loved working with my hands and building/fixing things. It’s the best job in the world to make people feel better and get them back to the sports and activities they love.”—Dr. Beth Shubin Stein, Orthopedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery
"Every courtroom case I’ve tried, every oral argument I’ve judged, and every brief I’ve written, all started with a girl who read books late into the night and loved being the smart girl. #BeSmart and never be afraid to be a reader or a student. "
—Jody Rudman, twenty five- year lawyer, former Federal Prosecutor, who presented before the United States Supreme Court
#BeSmart Enough To Soar
“Of all the pilots all around the world, only 5.5 percent are females. I started flying at fifteen years old, and twenty years later I am in love with my career as a pilot of a major international airline. The feeling every time I’m at the controls, flying more than 150 people to their destinations, is a rush that cannot be duplicated. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot be anything you want to be.”—RoriAnn Shonk, First Officer, A320/A321, JetBlue Airways
“I used to think I got the jobs no one else wanted, but I have come to understand they are the jobs no one else can do.”- Jane Elfers, Chief Executive Officer and President of The Children’s Place
What are these quotes telling you?
That it's ok to feel smart. Asking questions is something that should be done clear-eyed and in a strong voice...never in a whisper. You love certain subjects for a reason. You are drawn to particular topics on purpose. Follow that. And ask smart questions...like this:
"Sometimes middle school girls can feel weird if their friends think they are too science-y ...they feel nerdy if they can't wait for the science fair or just really like math classes. Did you ever feel like this and, if so, how would you advise us to overcome these hesitations and become the scientists and innovators we want to be?"
“Find friends with similar interests! It makes life a million times easier if you can make just one friend to share your interest in science and math with! And you should never be embarrassed to love STEM - those are the people who will have the coolest jobs when they grow up!”
- Emily Calandrelli, Emmy-nominated science TV host & executive producer
So...what else can I
do about it?
Embrace the braininess! Enjoy your favorite classes to the fullest! And click to view these inspiring sites and study aids relied upon by other awesomely nerdy girls over the years...our gift to you:
For Etre Girls who love science, tech & coding…

Selected for our Êtregirls, a brand new app that teaches coding through games! Our friends at GoldieBlox have always said "there are a million girls out there who are engineers. They just might not know it yet." Are you one of them? Click here to find out!
For our Êtregirls across the pond, an amazing new resource working throughout the UK and Ireland to inspire & support young women in STEM careers! Click through their site to view panel events, hackathons, cool exhibits and mentoring opportunities! Brilliant.
Girls Who Code
Teaches computer science & programming fundamentals to 6th-12th grade girls with the goal of closing the gender gap in technology and building a pipeline of future female engineers; don't miss their videos and articles...then find a GWC Club near you! You can follow along everywhere at @girlswhocode.
Smore Magazine
A comic style magazine so curious girls can stay interested in science! Featuring teen scientists and inventors, Smore is shattering the idea that girls "aren't made for science." Click to be among the very first to see it...there's already a lot of buzz about it! #IgniteHerBrilliance
Meet our friends dedicated to empowering girls in STEM! From their free after-school clubs to summer camps & conferences, Girlstart is making a big splash in the STEM community! Check out their By The Numbers stats & then follow along everywhere @Girlstart!
Black Girls CODE!
Meet our NEWEST BFFs in the coding world, whose vision is to increase the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and tech! Follow them now to be a #FutureTechBoss!
Engineer Girl
Highlights engineering opportunities for girls & profiles the current E-rockstars; also has essay contests, competitions & student blogger options!
Try Engineering
Want to learn what engineering careers will be like in 2030, hear from industry experts, play trivia games or enter design challenges? We found this site 2 help u do all that & more! Don't miss their searchable Engineering Activities section to help you get (and then stay) involved!
CU Girls in STEM
Looking ahead...check out Columbia University's Girls in STEM program - geared to bridge the gap with awesome in-person instruction! Hello, ivy league! Follow along at #CUgirlsinSTEM!
Offers fantastic free hands-on workshops called TechShopz for middle school-age girls interested in learning about and pursuing careers in all areas of tech!
Newly added to our #BeSmart resources, AI4ALL is educating the next generation of AI (Artificial Intelligence) thinkers & leaders. In other words...you. Check out their education programs, blog & participating universities. AI is the future, girls...and we want u at the head of the pack!
ISS National Lab Space Station Explorers
Our friends at the International Space Station know that everyone is learning at home right now, and hands-on activities are especially important to keep students engaged! Their network of ISS partners pulled together dozens of no-cost activities for you...because, we’re all in this together!PHOTO FROM UNSPLASH
Spoiler Alert: The Nerdy Girl Becomes The Cool Girl...Just Watch.
For Être Girls who love language & culture…
For Être Girls who love history & Biography...
Awesome (and free) games for learning civics! Practice actually running for President (because #girlsshouldrun) and then play Executive Command once you win. Time to lead, girls.This Day in History
Exactly what it sounds like. See what cool things took place on any given day and then take a deeper dive into the people and events that interest you most!Kids.gov
Great site for both U.S. and World History, with games & videos covering culture, major events and those pesky historical documents that always show up on quizzes...