Club Être
Start something new. Build something cool. Empower younger girls. From anywhere in the world and for êveryone. Empower younger girls.
Drumroll Club Être! YAY! Crazy applause! Um, what is it?
Glad you asked.
Club Être is a "club-in-a-box" where girls can bring amazing speakers into their school (IRL or virtually) and actively mentor girls in younger grades. Guided by the content on our website and with instant access to Être events around the globe, Club Être is exactly what it sounds like: girl-led and powered by epic mentors.
OMG, this is awesome. I need details.
Whether you're in middle school or high school, let's say you want to empower other girls. You want to bring something original to your campus, but it needs 2 B flexible because you have a ridiculous number of activities already...hello sports, community service, homework. You want to #BeAFounder. We hear you.
So...what would a Club Être founder DO, exactly?
Secure a Space
Any on-campus space for 30 minutes either monthly or 4x/yr
Secure a Faculty Advisor
Any faculty member for monthly or quarterly meetings
Choose a Meeting Topic
Based on pages of the Être website (#BeBrave, #BeInnovative...)
Lead Each Discussion
All discussion materials provided
by Être (Qs, video clips, quotes)
Join the Être Board
Become a valued member of our Board of Advisors...with Board swag
Enjoy Rockstar Status just founded an empowerment club

What do SCHOOLS get?
Mentorship Among Girls
Older girls inspiring younger girls
establishes strong campus connections
Girls Ready to Lead
Encouraging bravery, philanthropy,
financial literacy and young entrepreneurship,
Club Être empowers students
What do founders GET?
Community Service Credits
Être LLC will validate all community service
credits pertaining to Club Être activities
College Recommendations
Être will write college recommendations
for qualified Club Être founders.
Trust us - it matters.
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