Identify people who do what you love and learn from them. Seek out true experts and stay connected. Be the girl who makes her mentors proud.
A word about Mentors.
OK, so we know...mentors sound like something you don't need to think about until you move out of the house and get a job. Or at least until you can drive yourself to a job. But here's the thing - mentors are nothing more than people who do what you like to do...they've just been doing it longer and they're super good at it.
Good mentors are willing to teach you what they know and advise you as you begin. And the best mentors - those you will cherish for years to come - inspire you to become great at what you love and then mentor someone yourself.
For that reason...Être launched the
"Lunch & Learn" mentorship series
where motivated girls can meet female role models face 2 face!
The idea:
10-20 girls at a time
1 hour visits
Leaders at seriously cool companies
The Players
Well, the rockstars at Spotify hosted our inaugural event & Viacom hosted after that! Then we met STEM mentors from Marvel, Sesame Workshop & NatGeo hosted by the Geena Davis Institute. Oh, and we stormed Wall Street with money mavens from Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and the NYSE before meeting everyone we could at Google and YouTube. NBC was incredible, we hung out with Tyra Banks at Nine West, and during COVID Disney, Billboard, NASA and the International Space Station National Lab held virtual mentor pop-ups. Where did we head when we were back in person? TikTok - and it was exactly as insane as you're imagining. Our latest visit? We rang the Closing Bell at Nasdaq. The mentors we've met at these companies are incredible.You should definitely join us & meet them.

How to identify a mentor:
Finding someone to mentor you sounds more daunting than it is. Let's break it down:
Is there a particular teacher, coach, counselor, community leader or local speaker you admire?
Does that person have the time and/or the interest to be a mentor? Have they mentored anyone else you know?
Do your parents or other family members think this person would be a wise choice as a mentor? Be sure about this one - and make sure they meet if they don't know each other. It's an important step!
How to ask that person to be your mentor:
If you've found the right person and your family agrees, then it's time to ask your future mentor if they'd like to help. Options:
If in person: Head up, shoulders back, smile big. That's the way to walk into any room and the best way to get a "Yes" to a question asked. Shake hands, look him or her in the eye, and explain why you would like guidance in their field. Briefly state what you hope to learn. Then ask politely for a bit of their time and a lot of their brainpower.
If by email: Adopt the same confident and friendly attitude as you begin to type, and follow the same guidelines as above. Remember to check carefully for typos - don't laugh...reading it once backwards helps to catch them.
If by phone: To us this is the trickiest of the three, but if it's the only option then go for it. Be succinct, listen well to everything said and then offer to follow up the conversation with an email. Summarize what you talked about in that email and propose your next steps.
Once your new mentor has agreed be sure to follow up with a heartfelt thank you. Your efforts to make your mentor proud begin immediately.
Ways to stay in touch with a mentor:
Fast-forward a few months or years and maybe you are moving towns...or switching schools...or heading to college. Whatever the reason, you are leaving the vicinity of your mentor. It's important to stay in touch! Why? Two reasons: (1) You will never stop learning from this wise person, even as you grow in your field, and (2) Mentors take pride in their proteges and will want to follow your progress. How to do this:
Drop a periodic email to your mentor updating him or her on your progress - don't let them hear about your big milestones third-hand.
Follow your mentor on LinkedIn or other social media outlets so you can follow their progress - be sure to send congratulations (or cupcakes) when warranted.
Want a direct line to some awesome female mentors?
Inspiring Girls International
Inspiring Girls International is a charity, founded by Miriam González Durántez, that raises the aspirations of young girls around the world by connecting them with amazing female role models. Yep, we love them too. They introduce young women to a huge variety of careers and options in life and inspire them to aim high! Check ‘em out here: www.inspiring-girls.com
Want to see female role models (specifically in STEM fields) speaking directly to YOU? Meet Career Girls...a video-based career exploration tool created specifically for girls! With over 7,000 video clips featuring over 400 women (oh, and it's free & there are NO commercials), you HAVE to check this out! Surf. Explore. Accomplish.
Meet BUILT BY GIRLS! Their game changing platform WAVE supports female and non-binary students as they take the first step into their careers. Each advisee receives personal support from a dedicated professional who can show you the career possibilities and help you develop the valuable skills needed to land that first job or internship. Stay tuned to see lots more cool opportunities from BBG...now that we're total BFFs! #BuiltByGirls
Want some examples of rockstar female mentors?
Need a little inspiration or some wise words from a bunch of wildly accomplished women? Check out these inspiring organizations and learn from their amazing mentors and resources...

Finally, ways to pay it all forward:
Think you're done now that you have an awesome mentor who has inspired and guided you? Oh, you are SO not finished! Time to pay it forward and help someone else! Here are a few ideas to start you off:
Are you amazing at languages? Offer to tutor someone a few levels behind you! Does the coach always ask you to demonstrate moves on the field? Set up a pre-practice session for newer players. Look for people who want to do what you're already great at, and make time to help.
Start a mentorship club (like Club Être!) and be a founder in your school community.
Let this be a habit that extends through your life... paying it forward is always the right thing to do. We promise.
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