Be the girl that invents the product, patents the process or creates the startup that changes the world. You are not too young. Your ideas have worth. And the world is listening.

FIRST, meet Jordan Reeves
who invented a glitter-shooting prosthetic arm when she was 11 yrs old...and she's just getting started! We're huge fans of her foundation BORN JUST RIGHT...so we INTERVIEWED Jordan to catch up on her latest inventions, mentoring efforts and seriously AWESOME BOOK!
Now meet another BFF...AVYE!
At 11 years old she's an award-winning robot maker & coder, and in her spare time she runs a workshop at Kingston University in London! Read our interview with Avye, and learn more about her at her website 10 To No Limit. We seriously love making new friends!
Now meet a new group of teen girls from around the world developing their own brand, Today is Her Story (@todayisherstory)! Designed to empower and inspire other girls with original digital content, blog posts, and a new podcast, this squad focuses on career development and lifestyle while highlighting women who are world changers, business owners, actresses, and athletes! Right. Up. Our. Alley. Check out their podcast (@dontquitdoitpodcast) and then connect with them 2 B heard!

Now, check out our Être interview with super teen innovator
Sammy Wolfe
She developed a new & revolutionary heated lacrosse stick (it heats to 100 degrees and yep, charges just like a cell phone) in middle school, potentially changing the game for devoted LAX athletes everywhere. Click here to read what she told Être about sports and young entrepreneurship, watch her on CBS below and read more about FingerFire™ here!
Sammy's so cool that her story caught fire! More about Sammy and a bunch of other Être innovators can now be found alongside our interviews featured on The Children's Place's Kidspiration blog! We so LOVE making friends who really "get" girlpower!

"Stay true to yourself and continue to pursue your interests. Science isn't just for men and/or geniuses - it's time to break down these misconceptions."
- Dr. Jayshree Seth, 3M Chief Science AdvocateSay hi to a former WINNER of the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge
Gitanjali Rao
This STEM star hopes to reduce the time of lead detection in water by using her mobile app to get a nearly immediate status of water! Click here to watch her entry video and then watch her reaction to winning! We were just as excited!
We reached out to Gitanjali with some of our own questions... and SHE ANSWERED! Read ÊTRE'S INTERVIEW with Gitanjali...we were so happy she took the time to talk with us & we can't wait to see what's next for this innovative & impressive girl!

Check out 4GirlsTech too...a company started by
Mercer Henderson
when she was just 14!
Her company makes the coolest apps, raises money for social good and encourages girls exactly like you to become entrepreneurs! But WAIT...Mercer's talents don't stop there! Check out this singer/songwriter’s music video.
We had 2 reach out to Mercer & ask the following Q:
Ê: You are an entrepreneur, an advocate for young innovators and a singer/musician - and you started ALL of these when you were our age! What advice would you give to today’s middle school girls who are nervous about taking the first step toward following their passions?
Mercer: First, nervous is normal! After my tech company started to do well, I began to think about sharing my other creative passions. I was super nervous about releasing my music but I was able to do it because I made a deal with myself. My deal is that as long as I am doing something I love, singing about things that matter to me and my friends, then the only opinion that matters is mine. You have to approach public display of your passions from a position of strength and belief in yourself. Don't let the potential of getting a few frowning or thumbs down emojis get in the way of your dreams.
Yep, we're crazy inspired too! Follow @mercer.henderson to keep up with her music & videos. We're HUGE fans!
How A Challenge and A Girl Can Change The World

Meet...Margaux Mitera!
Margaux (pictured with science buddy Maanasa Mendu) is a senior product development engineer with 3M and already has three patents pending! Margaux invents new Post-it® Notes products (yep, those things we use like crazy at Être), and before that she developed UV light-curing process technologies for adhesives and coatings to abrasives. Margaux is passionate about product research and development, and mentors young scientists in her spare time. She's another science celebrity & rolemodel!
NOW...come meet our hero Astronaut Abby
who at 13 became a Tedx public speaker about her dream to be the first astronaut to Mars!
Fast forward to today... Abby, while in college, founded The Mars Generation - a completely awesome non-profit inspiring young innovators in STEM and space! You can follow @TheMarsGen on insta here or check out their blog over here. #TheMarsGeneration
Finally...wondering how to get your amazing idea actually funded?
Have we got a movie for you! Check out the trailer to She Started It, and then email us to find a screening near you. Girls, we're telling you...THIS is your new fav movie!

The takeaway?
Watch cool videos. Read inspiring words. Learn from encouraging mentors. Then...gather your ideas & your courage and invent something brand new. Innovate what is stagnant. Develop something entirely your own & then share it.