Être means "To Be" and that's exactly what we do—help girls figure out who they want to be! How? Être brings girls directly into the coolest companies to meet female leaders face to face. Why? Because our research on girls' confidence shows that mentors matter...early. And when girls spin in boardroom chairs to chat with boss women, zoom with astronauts and ring the bell at Nasdaq, their confidence is emboldened in a uniquely powerful way.
If you work at a school, org, or company and want to spark mentorship opportunities for girls—get in touch! Our mission is to help girls raise their hands instead of lowering their standards. Let's do it together.
Contact us!
Our Books
Imagine if you found the perfect mentor before you actually started work? Now imagine you could ask her anything. The Epic Mentor Guide matches questions from girls eyeing and entering the workforce with answers from 180 boss women already there.
The Epic Mentor Guide
Être means "to be." And girls, middle school is not too young to ask yourself this all-important question: Who do YOU want to be? Think of this book as a smart big sister in your backpack, encouraging you to stick with what you love and helping you springboard your authentic interests into more.
Être: Girls, Who Do You Want to Be?
Our BFFs

Our Research
Être released a survey with YPulse, the leading authority on Gen Z and Millennials, on the 10th Anniversary of Day of the Girl (October 11, 2022), demonstrating the quantifiable impact of mentorship on girls' confidence. This powerful new survey among 1000+ girls ages 13 to 18 - the first of its kind since the pandemic incorporating inclusive gender classifications and social media influence - reveals the current state of next gen girls’ confidence levels and uncovers where they’re looking for guidance and the impact it has on their emotional lives.