Pop-Up Mentor Moments: Who Être Girls are Meeting Face to Face This Fall

Can we meet an actual Broadway costume designer for Halloween?

Can we talk to a female space engineer before the next rocket launch?

Can we visit healthcare innovators at their world HQ for National STEM Day?

These are some of the questions I'm receiving as Club Être chapters get underway this fall, and the answer across the board is...YES. Yes we can.

At Être, a mentorship ecosystem bringing girls directly into companies to meet female leaders face to face, we listen hard to our young community. We visit boardrooms they ask to see (think Google, Spotify, NBCUniversal, United Nations, NYSE and more), sit with icons they ask to meet (think Tyra Banks, Gloria Steinem and the late Lilly Ledbetter), and ensure that girls anywhere in the world can connect with women working in the coolest places. Even prepping for the Olympics or onboard the International Space Station.

Want more examples? Just this week alone, here's who today's girls are meeting and the kind of questions they're asking:

Mentor moment with Broadway costume designer Amanda Jenks

Photos: SIX | Be More Chill | The Who's Tommy | The Cher Show

Currently the associate costume designer for Tudor-inspired SIX the Musical with Tony-winning designs by Gabriella Slade, Amanda Jenks sat down the day after Halloween with middle school girls in New Jersey to talk about costume design, creativity and overall confidence. Marveling at the costumes all of the girls were wearing - including one hand-sewn dino creation complete with a working jaw, gloves, teeth and a tail - Jenks led these fans through her career path and answered every question they asked.

How old were you when you designed your first costume? What's the hardest outfit you've ever had to build? What do you change if costumes have to fly - like in Peter Pan? HOW DO THEY DO those super-fast dress changes - like in Frozen?!

Perfectly-timed for Halloween, this club's mentor pop-up with Amanda Jenks wowed us all and sent girls flying to her website and Broadway portfolio to see more.

Pre-Launch Mentor Moment with Redwire Space engineer Molly Mulligan

Click to play.

With new rocket launches coming up this week, girls in a Texas Club Être chapter had questions about working in space - and Molly K. Mulligan, PhD, a Redwire Space engineer navigating the intersection of business, engineering and the boardroom had answers. Diving into discussions about career paths (don't expect them to be linear says Mulligan), gender equity in space (you may be the only woman in the room, conceeds Mulligan, but that also means they'll remember your name) and what's next in space (YOU are the future!), this club's first meeting of the year exceeded their expectations.

That was so cool, I heard afterwards. How do we stay in touch with her? Can we do more of these with women in STEM? Can we go to a launch sometime? With thanks to Molly Mulligan and Être BFF Tere Riley (catch her advice to girls in The Epic Mentor Guide), the answers are yes, it was insanely cool....we'll definitely stay in touch and do more...and, we're working on it.

Celebrating National STEM Day with Mentor Moments at Johnson & Johnson's World Headquarters

And anticipating National STEM Day this Friday, Être girls on the East Coast are heading to New Brunswick, New Jersey to tour Johnson & Johnson's world headquarters and meet with women leading in healthcare and cutting-edge medical innovation. Who exactly are we meeting? Women in the C-suite like Paulette Frank, women in tech like Kathryn Wengel and Nikkia Miller-Blakes, VP of US Medical Affairs Leighann Forbes and so many more.

Are girls excited? Beyond.

Speechless? Hardly.

With questions stemming from robotics clubs, science fairs, pre-med plans and product ideas, Être girls cannot wait to board that bus and sit in that awe-inspiring boardroom.

Because whether they are in the room or on the zoom, when girls come face to face with epic mentors, magic happens. Hands get raised, along with standards, goals and confidence.

Stay tuned for takeaways from National STEM Day and to hear what we're lining up for year-end. Want to host a group of smart and motivated girls at your company in the new year? DM me. They can't wait to meet the women in your organization - and the mentor moments we create will make you proud.

Looking forward,


ÊXTRAS: Three more things about this week you won't want to miss: Catch Être's collaboration with Tony Award-winning SUFFs musical encouraging first-time voters to show them who you are; keep following first-time vote journeys on I am a voter. as the next gen voters vote their future; and stay tuned for our pop-up mentor takeaways on Wednesday!


When Women at Johnson & Johnson Bring Future STEM Leaders into the Boardroom...


Epic Mentor Halloween Edition: Who Do You Want To Be?