From Boardrooms to Billboards: Être's 2024 Year-End Review by the Numbers
Every year-end report aims to take stock of the last year, evaluate strategies and measure growth. And, truthfully, some years are better than others. But it is also true that some years blow the prior year out of the water with such force that you are overcome by tidal waves of gratitude.
That is how I feel right now as I look back on 2024.
Être, a mentorship ecosystem I launched with joy in 2016, had – by far - its biggest growth year yet. From corporate boardrooms to Times Square billboards, moment after moment had girls across the globe cheering their lungs out as mentors looked on with wet eyes and wide smiles. We dreamed big, asked fearlessly and spring-boarded girls to brand new heights.
Here, then, is Être’s Year-End Report By the Numbers: 10 Mentor Moments Wrapped in Awe. Pro-tip gift: For more about each event just click the image - surprise photos, videos or articles enclosed!
Was there more? So much more.
Each of these images are linked to more photos and videos, and a quick dive into our Insta or website will shine an even bigger spotlight on an astounding 2024.
Big plans for 2025? Oh my lord, yes.
We can't talk about most of it yet, but suffice it to say we've made new friends and new partnerships await. Our calendar is rolling out and, like everything else with Être, we'll let the girls announce it all.
For now, every company and leader has the grateful thanks of this founder. You made our year, and from boardroom to billboard our future couldn't feel brighter.
Looking forward with all the joy,
ÊXTRAS: Three more 2024 memories you won't want to miss: When female astronauts aboard the ISS zoomed in live to talk about what an eclipse looks like from space, when Olympians and Paralympians answered Être girls' questions about practice and prep, and when Board members innovation has future discovery in the cards.