Être Interview with Teen Innovator Sammy Wolfe

Ê: We heard you came up with the FingerFire idea at age 11 - how did it start and were you worried that no one would listen because you were so young?

SW: The idea of FingerFireTM came to me when my hands would be freezing and numb while I was playing lacrosse. I noticed I was not able to play to my full potential with my hands not gripping the shaft of the stick correctly. This led me to walk off the field complaining to my parents about my frigid hands (like most kids do). I brought up the idea of a heated lacrosse stick to my parents, however at first they pushed the idea away. I was relentless with showing them my passion and determination in bringing this idea to fruition. Finally, my dad agreed to be my partner and that is how the 3.5 year and “not over journey” began.


Ê: Lots of girls think about quitting their sport after middle school - what kept you confident and secure on the field and what would you say to girls today to keep them playing?

SW: You should always follow your passion. Always persevere in moments of frustration because in the end you will become a more confident and determined player.

Ê: If a middle school girl has a cool idea for a new invention, what would you tell her? What can girls do to pursue innovative ideas at an early age?

SW: One thing to always remember is to never stop believing in yourself. Even if you are a young woman your ideas do matter. I have received many rejections throughout this (not over yet) journey, but that has never stopped me. You only need one “yes” to have your dreams come true. If you have an innovative idea you want to pursue share the idea with friends and family to get feedback and suggestions. For example, the way I found the product development company I have been using (Eventys Partners in Charlotte North Carolina) was by talking to a family friend that happened to know someone at that company. Connections are everything in life so make sure to share your ideas with others because you never know what might come out of the conversation.


Être’s Interview with Gitanjali Rao

