Lawyer, Lecturer, Founder of Être
When Illana’s daughter was in grade school, she emailed some girlfriends and asked if they would take part in a one-day “girls summit” at her home. She pictured her daughter and her friends gaining wisdom from accomplished women – writers, surgeons, CEOs, designers, attorneys, news anchors. This idea lead to the founding of Être , a place girls can go to help them find their own path in life, and what they want “to be.”
How This Founder Uses Mentorship To Inspire The Best In Middle School Girls
Mentorship always played an important role in Illana Raia’s career. As a young lawyer, Raia worked in mergers and acquisitions at Skadden Arps.
Teaching Confidence with Illiana Raia, Founder of Être
Meet Illiana Raia, lawyer, lecturer and founder of ‘Être’ – a site and movement providing resources to girls helping to build their confidence and futures.