
Be the girl who knows what's going on... at home and around the world. Climates are changing. Elections matter. Peace is important. Be the girl in the know.


We Love To Know What's Going On!

We can't help it...we're unapologetic news junkies. We like to keep our fingers on the pulse of what's happening in the world, and these are some of our favorite sites that help us do just that. They're ridiculously helpful.


Need a news report written BY teens FOR teens? Meet TheCramm fam - a next gen news source dropping everything you need to know each day in one fast email or text (your choice). Nice, we know. Best part? You can apply to be a news Crammer! Follow them on IG at @thecramm and get more involved right here. After all, you can't really change the world if you don't know about it.


For Basic Gotta-Know-What’s Happening Every Morning News


For Climate Change News


Êxtra Resources

Être Tip: Listen to Everyone


Okay, you'll always wind up with one or two favorite sites (theSkimm is one of our never-miss-it morning reads), but it's vital to read a variety of news sources. Listen to everyone. Don't just get the facts - be attuned to the nuance behind the news. Most journalists have opinions...keep that in mind as you start to form your own. You can read more about this in our HuffPost piece below! Part of joining the uber-informed crowd is being free to change your mind. The more you learn, the more you might be able to see the opposing view. That's not flip-flopping. That's called developing your #ownviews. You may find, after getting familiar with the issues, that your views differ from those of your family or teachers. That's ok too. Respectful differences of opinion founded this nation - just remember, the respectful part is key.



Think more teens, and more girls in particular, should be interested in politics? Well, so do we! Check out these links and start dreaming up your campaign slogan:



why - you ask - should girls even care about politics or issues when they are too young to vote? Our thoughts, as seen in HuffPost.


Follow us @EtreGirls